Análisis de catálogos digitales en España: una visión cualitativa a través de ocho colecciones artísticas online

Analysis of digital catalogs in Spain: a qualitative vision through eight online art collections

María Luisa Bellido Grant, Anabel Fernández Moreno y David Ruiz Torres, «Análisis de catálogos digitales en España: una visión cualitativa a través de ocho colecciones artísticas online», Revista de Humanidades Digitales,  vol. 3, 2019, pp. 64-78.  ISSN:  2531-1786. DOI: DOI:

In this qualitative research we explore different aspects of Spanish digital art catalogs, since they constitute a key element for the dissemination and research of cultural heritage. The considerable heterogeneity of the funds and managing agencies has resulted in a complex panorama, which has made the selection of a sample necessary. Although any of the examined digital model fully provides universal access to cultural heritage, ideas and practices that respond to the needs of a plural and diversified society emerge from them. The visibility of the positive aspects and those that can be improved show the potential of a tool able to responds to the needs of all audiences.